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« Jane Russell - The Legendary Beauty | Main | Farewell Elizabeth Taylor »

March 02, 2011


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Nicole @ BombshellShocked

Lovely post and I wholeheartedly agree!

I had the pleasure of seeing one of James' Butterfly gowns on display a couple of years ago and it was truly fantastic!

Penny Dreadful Vintage

Reading about Livia's dress made me feel a bit sick in my stomach. Those dresses are rare nowadays, and they just cut them up! What a tragedy.


Tori Spelling wore Vintage at the Elton John OScar After party!


With 11 vintage gowns from which to choose, one wonders why she and her designer could simply not have repaired or restored one of them (as they are now saying the dresses were unwearable as is, which beggars belief) to wear. Such an unbearable waste. Certainly not a "green" undertaking--what happened to the scraps created by destroying 11 gowns? This is very sad.

Thrifty Vintage Chic

Beautifully written and researched. I also wrote about vintage on the Oscars' red carpet and whether or not it hurt the vintage market by showing others that it's "old" therefore it's OK to not appreciate it and cut it up. Please stop by an see my post here:

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You're fantastic! Just like my idol oh I love your luo.........

Mens black suits

Brilliant! Love that butterfly gown its so fashionable.

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Marisa looks stunning in that blue Vintage outfit...only thing lacking is a stunning hat.

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Don't know what is wrong what is rite but i know that every one has there own point of view and same goes to this one

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Always good to come across a really thoughtful site,LIKE YOUR BLOG. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

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