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« Vintage in New York & Around the World | Main | Happy Birthday, Mr. President - Vintage Marilyn Photos by Bill Ray »

May 16, 2010


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These are INCREDIBLE vintage sunglasses. So chic and sophisticated <3

designer sunglasses

Wow! Vintage sunglasses looks good! They're still in! I love it!

Wholesale Sunglasses

Fashion and style matters a lot for all modern people. Sunglasses have always been a staple fashion accessory in every person's life. Sunglasses are perfect choices to protect eyes from sunshine. Above Vintage Schiaparelli Sunglasses are looking great.

Second Hand Roze

Oh! I posted some vintage Schiaparelli frames on my blog yesterday, but none nearly this cool!

optometrist in Indianapolis

Nice vintage sunglasses. Very unique and creative design! Well, whatever the designs of sunglasses, the main purpose of it is to protect our eyes from Sun's UV rays, and/or too much light. As a matter of fact, there are people wear sunglasses when they're working in front of their computers.

Fashion Handbags

I love it when shades are so fabulous! Especially vintage ones.

Vincent Davis

With those eyeglasses, it is safe to say that Ms. Elsa Schiaparelli designed some of the best glasses in terms of fashion. The last picture tells us how artistry can evolve in just one mind: glasses that look like a sunflower? How about that!

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